Shoulder Lock From Side Mount - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques

Shoulder Lock From Side Mount

In this demonstration you have your opponent in the side mount and will attempt to get the mounted position with the knee drive method.

Grab your opponents belt with your right hand and slide your right knee onto their stomach. As you do this your opponent tries to push your knee off their stomach with their left hand.

Let go of your opponents belt and grab their left wrist pinning their hand to their stomach.

Take your right knee off your opponents stomach. Remember to keep their left hand pinned to their stomach.

Take your left hand under your opponents left bicep and grab your right wrist as shown. At this point your opponent will probably know that their arm is in trouble and may grab their own belt.

Spin round to the North-South position with your knees next to your opponents head. This will prevent your opponent from twisting out of the shoulder-lock.

Pull your opponent up onto their right side.

If your opponent has hold of their belt, simply pull their arm to the right.

To apply the shoulder-lock, take their hand to the left. Be sure that their elbow is bent at 90 degrees as shown.