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hector (karate -do goju ryu, shorin ryu and okinawa kobudo, -)


Friday 27th August 2004 at 02:57

Paton Rogers (Kyokushinkai Karate, brown 1 stripe)


Looking to take up ju-jitsu but cannot find a local club.

Thursday 26th August 2004 at 14:47

John Tomsett (Goshin Ju jitsu (BJJA), Brown 1TAB)

Very nice site. Well done. Have been waiting for a more informative site to come up with pictures of techniques and explainations. You should be awarded a commendation for the work you have put in by your Sensei.Clearly this will have a very good impact on the art and will impress experienced and novice beginners. I practise a traditional style of Ju jitsu with a combat and sport competion style also. I am Honered and lucky enough to train in a style that is of direct decent from the legend Jigaro Kano.One of his disiples to took the style to the Brazillians which is why Goshin is very similar in the sense that we have the same moves. Goshin is very groundwork orientated and a very practical style of self defence. Keep up the good work. Anyone wishing to start Ju jitsu in the Milton keynes and Leighton Buzzard areas please contact me. Keep up the good work.

Friday 20th August 2004 at 10:36

Alvaro Gastelumendi (Submission Fighting/Karate Shotokan, 5th Kyu Karate; Beginner in Submission)


You've built up a great website. Thank you for the interface quality and the sylabus both on brazilian ju jitsu and traditional ju jitsu. Pictures help a lot. I've been practicing ju-jitsu based submission for a year now, and it's hard to find good descriptions of the techniques along with good pictures. Five stars, two thumbs up, you rock!!!!

Thursday 19th August 2004 at 23:39

Sean mccarthy (bugei ki ryu, yellow belt)


I have been studying ju jitsu for 11 months I am elleven years old and train in picton liverpool . your website is brilliant it has tought me about the history and responsible forces

Wednesday 18th August 2004 at 14:11

Liz (Ju-Jitsu, just about to start!)


Nice site, would be great if you could re-start up a forum
Just about to start classes so found your site interesting!

Sunday 15th August 2004 at 15:16

raymond pearson (erm, kyushin ryu ju jitsu not sure beginner!?, none)


studying the information on this site such as the law page has helped me in my knowledge of excessive force and force that can b used when in a threatening situation, today i started my ju jitsu class and was learning break falls, i have taken to it very well and because i knew the sensei prior to joining, i was confident in learning and picking up things very quickly, i will now find out what sort of ju jitsu i am involving myself in and post again, im 15 and have taken great interest in the teachings, i am keen to stick with the martial art!

Thursday 12th August 2004 at 23:23

Victoria (Ju-Jitsu, Ju-Jitsu Junior Green)


Great site!! Does anyone know where I can find a list of the official junior sylabus? Its for a school project. Thanks, moi xXx

Thursday 29th July 2004 at 14:47

T Humble (TKD, 1st dan)


I study tae kwon do and enjoy what i do and have seen many benefits to my body, flexibility, power and confidence.
Never had to use it though students have used this form of martila art outside to protect themselves and it has worked.
most students do not have to use their art and if they do it is in self defence of themselves of others that are weaker.
Personally my instructor is a 6th degree 6.4Ft and weighs around 17St and was a former bouncer, his study of TKD has been used and proved effective on numberous occassions.
Most martial artist i feel can if they choose really hurt another person but are not they way inclined.
We are all people that need to spread the word of harmony and not fighting.
Peace to all and if you choose a art ensure you read up and make the right decision based on your needs and requirements.

Wednesday 28th July 2004 at 18:02

Matthew (n/a, n/a)


I'm looking into learning Ju jitsu..This is just an incredible sight. I think I may be signing up tonight.

Friday 23rd July 2004 at 20:26